
Abu Dhabi Department of Municipal Affairs  undertook a transformation programme as a keystone to realising their 2030 vision as delivering world class  municipal services to the citizens. To achieve this they tendered a Business process Re-organisation programme to provide the business processes as well as building the organisation, it's capacity and capability at the same time developing their service offering to Emirati citizens.


The Programme was rolled out in waves across 4 municipal entities to suit the availability of municipal staff to assess, vision, propose a Could-be operating model. From this a To-be operating model was defined and set. Then with client approval for the design basis the To-be model was configured in ARIS the preferred business operating model tool. Preparation and facilitation with the client teams followed to make ready for the implementation and deployment of the new  business processes. 


1536 processes designed and around 1200 processes implemented over the 3 municipalities and the Department of Municipal Affairs

70 SMEs supported by 50 programme management, interpreters and translator staff working across 17 workstreams.

 Could-be process outlines;  Quick-Wins; Work-stream and SME leading practices; Design reviews of level 1 cross-cutting processes along the Value Stream; To-be process designs (designed in ARIS modeller (SIPOC) to describe integrated end-to-end process definitions); design freeze; deployment plans, training according to divisional capabilities; and the progress of deployment of processes.